The Aberrant Undulated Triggerfish (Melichthys vidua) is a captivating marine fish with an emerald-green body adorned by striking yellow-orange vertical stripes. Native to the warm waters of the Indo-Pacific region, this unique triggerfish is known for its distinctive appearance and intriguing behavior.
Here are some fascinating facts about the Aberrant Undulated Triggerfish:
- The Aberrant Undulated Triggerfish has an attractive, undulating body pattern with alternating green and orange hues.
- Its dorsal and anal fins exhibit vivid yellow coloration, creating a stunning contrast against the green background.
- Unlike typical pink-tail triggerfish, this specimen stands out due to its extra dose of yellow pigment, especially in the fins.
Habitat and Behavior:
- In the wild, these triggerfish inhabit coral reefs and rocky areas.
- They are known to rearrange the landscape within their aquariums, creating caves and hiding spots.
- Interestingly, the Aberrant Undulated Triggerfish communicates using a distinctive “grunting” sound.
Xanthic Variation:
- Occasionally, xanthic (yellow-pigmented) variants of the Undulated Triggerfish appear.
- These xanthic individuals exhibit bright yellow or orange fins, which is a result of over-expression of xanthic pigment.
- While not always striking in photos, their rapid undulation and vibrant colors make them attention-grabbers in real life.
In summary, the Aberrant Undulated Triggerfish is a remarkable addition to marine aquariums, offering both visual appeal and intriguing behavior. Its unique appearance and vivid coloration make it a standout among triggerfish species.