Cirrhilabrus naokoae, also known as Naoko’s Fairy Wrasse, is a captivating reef-associated tropical wrasse found in the eastern Indian Ocean. First described by Jack Randall and Dr. Hiroyuki Tanaka in January 2009, this species makes a fantastic addition to aquariums. Here are some key details about Naoko’s Fairy Wrasse:
- Appearance: Naoko’s Fairy Wrasse boasts a reddish body with a long yellow horizontal stripe and a silvery white underbelly. The males are considered more flashy and exuberant than the subtly colored females.
- Behavior: Fairly peaceful and active, they thrive in both fish-only and reef aquariums. They won’t harm corals or invertebrates, making them ideal for reef tanks.
- Diet: Their diet should include vitamin-enriched frozen mysis shrimp, frozen brine shrimp, and other meaty foods, along with high-quality marine flakes and pellets.
- Tank Setup: Due to their tendency to jump, a tight-fitting canopy is recommended.
Adding Naoko’s Fairy Wrasse to your aquarium will infuse it with vibrant colors and lively activity!