Pseudanthias pulcherrimus, commonly known as the Resplendent Anthias or Tierra Anthias, is a captivating marine fish found in the warm waters of the Red Sea and the northern Indian Ocean. Let’s dive into some fascinating details about this exquisite species:
- The male Resplendent Anthias showcases a predominantly orange body with a pink/purple hue. It has an almost clear tail and deep pink edges on its pectoral fins.
- Females, on the other hand, display a predominantly orange body with a yellow nose, dorsal fin, and tail fin.
- Their color variations include yellow highlights with red on the anal and caudal fins.
- These fish add a burst of orange, purple, and red to reef aquariums.
Behavior and Habitat:
- Resplendent Anthias generally inhabit the middle levels of the tank.
- They require plenty of caves, ledges, and hiding places.
- Interestingly, Anthias species are hermaphroditic. If a dominant male perishes, the largest female often morphs to take its place.
- These planktivores thrive on a varied diet, including frozen mysis shrimp, enriched frozen brine shrimp, and high-quality flake foods.
- An attached refugium cultivating copepods and amphipods ensures a steady supply of nutritious live food.