The Cirrhilabrus solorensis, commonly known as the Solar Fairy Wrasse, is a mesmerizing marine fish found in the southwestern Pacific Ocean. Its appearance is a living canvas of vibrant colors, making it a true gem beneath the waves.
Here are some captivating details about this enchanting fish:
Color Variability: The Solar Fairy Wrasse is highly variable in color and was once considered a color variant of the Bluehead Fairy Wrasse (Cirrhilabrus cyanopleura). Its body showcases deep electric blue and purple hues, beautifully accented by a yellow face, a pink forehead, black trimming, and silver fins.
Size: These graceful fish reach a maximum total length of approximately 5"
Habitat: Cirrhilabrus solorensis inhabits coral reefs on coastal and outer reef lagoons at depths ranging from 5 to 35 meters (16 to 115 feet). Its striking appearance adds a burst of color to these underwater ecosystems.
Behavior: These wrasses are active swimmers, and their colors may vary based on their mood. When courting, the male intensifies its hues, creating a stunning display.
Aquarium Compatibility: The Solar Fairy Wrasse thrives in either a fish-only or reef aquarium. It appreciates a shaded area away from bright lights and won’t bother corals or invertebrates, making it an ideal addition to reef tanks. However, be aware that these wrasses have a penchant for jumping, so a tight-fitting canopy is recommended.
Diet: Their diet should include vitamin-enriched frozen mysis shrimp, frozen brine shrimp, and other meaty foods, along with high-quality marine flakes and pellets.
Next time you explore the ocean’s depths, keep an eye out for the Solar Fairy Wrasse—a living masterpiece of nature!