The Spotcinctus Clownfish (Amphiprion bicinctus) is a captivating color variation of the Red Sea Clownfish. Here are some interesting details about this unique species:
- Appearance: Spotcinctus Clownfish have additional white markings in the form of white spots and irregular patterns. Each one is strikingly beautiful and, like snowflakes, entirely unique. Some individuals even exhibit blue coloration on the top part of their eyes, giving them a gorgeous blue pearly eye look.
- Size: These clownfish can grow up to 5.5 inches (14 cm) in length, making them a substantial addition to your aquarium.
- Temperament & Care: Spotcinctus Clownfish are very active and attractive in saltwater aquariums. They are generally peaceful but can become territorial when established as a mature pair. It’s recommended to house them in an aquarium with a minimum of 30 gallons of water.
- Feeding: They have a healthy appetite and will readily accept various aquarium diets, including pellets, flake food, frozen Mysis shrimp, and frozen brine shrimp.
- Host Anemones: While not necessary for survival, they will readily accept host anemones. Bubble Tip Anemones are a good choice, as they are popular and hardy.
Adding a Spotcinctus Clownfish to your tank can certainly enhance its beauty!