The Yellowchest Twist Wrasse (Anampses twistii) is a captivating marine fish found in the tropical waters of the Indo-Pacific area, spanning from the Red Sea to the Tuamoto Islands. Here are some intriguing details about this delightful species:
- The Yellowchest Twist Wrasse has a sleek, elongated body with dorsal and anal fins that extend almost the entire length of the fish.
- Towards the rear of these fins, you’ll find a pair of large, deep-blue eyespots that help protect the fish by disorienting or confusing potential predators.
- The beautifully colored Yellowchest Twist Wrasse is primarily dark blue to purple, adorned with many vibrant bright blue dots.
- The bottom front half of the Yellowchest Twist Wrasse is bright yellow or gold, which lends to its common name.
- For best care, house the Yellowchest Twist Wrasse in an established, well-filtered aquarium of at least 120 gallons in size or larger.
- A layer of fine sandy substrate (2-3 inches deep) is essential for burrowing and seeking shelter.
- Arrange your aquarium landscape with ample nooks and crannies for exploration and refuge.
- The natural diet of the Yellowchest Twist Wrasse consists of benthic invertebrates.
- In the home aquarium, feed them a diverse variety of food items, including vitamin-enriched frozen mysis shrimp, brine shrimp, and other meaty foods, along with high-quality marine flakes and pellets.
- Yellowchest Twist Wrasse can reach a total length of approximately 7 inches.
- Reef compatible and typically won’t harm sessile invertebrates, including soft or stony corals.
- Keep in mind that they may demonstrate aggression towards each other when fully grown.
These vibrant wrasses add a burst of color to marine aquariums, making them a delightful choice for aquarists.