The Yellow Wrasse (Halichoeres chrysus), also known as the Golden Rainbowfish, Golden Wrasse, Yellow Coris, or Canary Wrasse, is a vibrantly-colored wrasse that injects exceptional visual interest and activity into marine aquariums. Here are some intriguing details about this delightful species:
- The Yellow Wrasse sports a golden yellow body with a striking black spot on its dorsal fin.
- Juveniles may have more than one spot on their fins, but as they mature, these spots disappear, leaving them with just one.
- To create a natural reef environment for your Yellow Wrasse, set up a well-established saltwater aquarium with a tight-fitting lid.
- Aquascape liberally with live rock, providing ample nooks and crannies for exploration and refuge.
- Include a large area of open substrate for burrowing.
- The Yellow Wrasse’s natural diet consists of benthic invertebrates.
- It will eat fireworms and pyramidellid snails, protecting corals and clams from undesirable invertebrates.
- However, it may also consume ornamental invertebrates like fan worms and shrimp.
- Yellow Wrasse can reach a total length of approximately 5 inches.
- Reef compatible and typically won’t harm sessile invertebrates, including soft or stony corals.
- House them with other peaceful wrasses, including members of their own species.
These vibrant wrasses add a burst of color and liveliness to marine aquariums, making them a delightful choice for aquarists.