The Yellow/Scopas Hybrid Tang (Zebrasoma scopas x flavescens) is a captivating blend of two distinct tang species. Let’s dive into the fascinating details of this unique hybrid:
- The Yellow/Scopas Hybrid Tang exhibits a striking combination of features from both parent species.
- Its body showcases a golden yellow hue, reminiscent of the Yellow Tang (Zebrasoma flavescens).
- Discreet spots and stripes adorn its dorsal and anal fins, reminiscent of the juvenile Scopas Tang (Zebrasoma scopas).
- Interestingly, one of these hybrids sports a thin light blue margin on its tail and fins, a trait not seen in juvenile Z. flavescens.
- Aquascape with live rock, creating hiding places and nooks for exploration.
- Be cautious when handling, as these hybrids possess a sharp spine at the base of their caudal fin, similar to a scalpel.
- As herbivores, they thrive on a diet of algae and other plant-based foods.
- These hybrids can reach a total length of approximately 8 inches.
- You can find them in the saltwater hobby, where they are famous for their color, shape, and propensity to eat nuisance hair algae in the aquarium.
Adding a touch of both the Yellow Tang and Scopas Tang, this hybrid is a captivating addition to marine aquariums.